Sunday, February 16, 2014

Does The News Serve A Purpose In Our Society

Does The News Serve A Purpose In Our Society

One thing I really enjoy watching on television is the local, regional, and national news in local channels as well as channels not unlike CNN inaugurate on Dish - Network. When I remit to the news, I obviously am not referring to local, loaded automobile accidents, pigpen fires, locale drive - by shootings, murders at the hands of gangmembers, or any other detestable incidents that we see every week on television. I find them all as abhorrent as the next lad, but I ' ll still analog watch the story. When I do see these kinds of incidents on the news, I just endure understanding for the people involved, especially the children, who live in those neighborhoods. Often, but not always, they take void in the inner - vicinity. Nobody really wants to see these kinds of stories, and most people even invocation the news channels wouldn ' t even report them as often as they do, but it still is news.
I suppose that we could be lulled into a false sense of security if local channels did not broadcast these kinds of stories to the point that we project that they just don ' t happen frequently, but the truth is that they do. And when they happen in our own abode, point, or town, the local news channels will report them because their job is to report the news, both good and bad, to make people aware of what ' s happening in their own local area. Would anyone of us endure any safer if we just didn ' t know what was force on in our local area? That would certainly be a reversal of the old saying that ' what you don ' t know, can ' t put away you '; well, in this case, it certainly could come back and bruised you or a family member if you ' re unaware of a local complication. The point I ' m getting to, though, is more along the produce of the need for an active and spirited television and write up news media which both inform us and report these valid news stories to us. It is naturally imperative to have an informed public in a democratic society consistent as ours. We really need to keep the river of information flowing, even when we don ' t cognate what we see and hear and study in inscribe.
The discerning viewer needs to be able to be informed between what is actuality and what is eye. They sometimes will confuse the two. In politically oriented talk shows, for example, the host will always tell his get-together exactly what he knows they want to explore. There are a number of political say so shows on the air lately that bestow to either the right or the abandoned, depending on their agenda, and the most sharp supporters on each side are indubitable that they are always ' pertinent '. This bearings is creating a growing polarization in this country which is likley to get worse before it improves. You will either be labeled as being on the by oneself or the right, ungrudging or conservative, and either a despondent or a dahlia state. How polarizing is this when the the news agencies and political parties insist on putting us all in one of these groups, or the other? There doesn ' t seem to be any other option. And, there should be.
The whole matter of added polarization in this country can eventually be devastating to us as a society if we don ' t get it below control fairly forthwith. It has become much more evident over the gone few months with the town auditorium meetings in which local congressmen and senators met with their constituents, often fit to be tied and unglued, to discuss the health - care reform bill. There were charges and counter - charges from both sides, with each side demur the other side was telling lies. The argument even reached a low point when a representative from South Carolina even called the president a ' liar ' on the floor of a joint conference of congress. We should be glad that we live in a society in which we all share in these freedoms that we too often take for exactly, but at the equivalent time we should learn not to abuse them, either. The nation deserves better than this, and so do we.
By: Frank Bilotta

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