Saturday, September 7, 2013

Swine Flu Pandemic - Implications For Nurses And Individuals

Swine Flu Pandemic - Implications For Nurses And Individuals

During a pandemic, if the nurse is asked to do something that is unfamiliar, will coed still be held chrgeable?

The answer is very well. In the event of a pandemic, nurses may be asked to work in areas that are not familiar to them. As members of a self - regulating profession, registered nurses are explainable at all times for their own actions and decisions. Working in emergency plight does not suspend a nurse ' s worry and authority for ensuring that their practice and conduct meet legislative requirements and appreciation policies and standards relevant to the profession and practice setting. In the performance of their masterly duties, a nurse is required to exercise the degree and skill which a somewhat prudent nurse with matching training and experience would exercise below the corresponding general circumstance.

Additionally, the Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses ( 2005 ) and The Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses ( 2008 ) state that registered nurses must practice within their own level of strength and continually acquire competencies relevant to their own practice. Nurses have the crack pledge to take on only nursing assignments for which they are competent ( NANB, 2007 ). When the angle of care that needs to be provided is beyond their level of knack, nurses have the able and ethical fault to go into additional information and scholarship, reconnoitre help from management or a competent practitioner and / or prayer a different work assignment.

If you are put in a longitude where you need to work in less recognized areas, here are some strategies that can help you meet your proficient responsibilities:

* evaluate and discuss the location with the boss / supervisor / head of department;

* consider what your role will be and how you can work together with other health professionals to catalogue and outfit care;

* recognize the interventions that you can competently perform inclined your experience;

* offer to work in a buddy system;

* set priorities that throw back the current stage; and

* try to keep clients, families and employers considered about the unrealized change in the care plan.

In a pandemic, nurses must learn to work outside of their normal competencies. Become patterns and pass into lengths may loiter.

Many different situations may chance. Will nursing students get poorly pay?

Will nurses ' families get compensation or pensions if imperative bad were to chance to them?

If the nurses ' children themselves are ailing and schools are closed, will there be congruous measures in nook to assist?

Community leaders can play a powerful role to prepare for the pandemic, by giving out useful information and curb.

The government several can ' t prepare for a pandemic flu. Individuals and family can prepare themselves.

The US Department of Health and Human Services recommend stocking up on bottled water, store non - perishable foods, over - the - counter drugs, health supplies, and other necessities. A two - week supply is good, but stocking up can take position over time.

Good health habits should come into play. Always cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and then sling it away in the trash. If you don ' t have a tissue, cover your nose and mouth with the back of your arm. Wash your hands as instantly after as you can. Also, wash your hands after adjacent your eyes, nose or mouth, after using the bathroom, after shaking hands with someone, after adjoining hand rails or door handles, after borrowing someone ' s pen, after being near someone who is sick, before and after drinking and eating, and after utility debris. When washing your hands properly with soap and water or gel sanitizers, you should be able to carol the " Happy Birthday " song twice. Keep your remote controls, telephones, and computers clean.

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