Wednesday, October 2, 2013

America Displays The Fourteen Defining Traits Of Fascism

America Displays The Fourteen Defining Traits Of Fascism

The ideology of fascism was developed by Benito Mussolini as a reactionary movement following World Warfare I that was based on a rejection of the social theories that formed the basis of the 1789 French Revolution and summed up in the revolutionary French slogan: " Liberty, Equality, Fraternity ". The U. S. Bill of Rights was originally based on these concepts so that people could have liberty from oppressive government offensive in the daily lives of its populace – liberty from illegal search and seizure, from enforced religious values, from intimidation and arrest for dissenters, and the liberty to shy a vote in a system where the majority rules but the girlhood retains certain inalienable rights. Equality meant that all should stand equal in the eyes of the law. Fraternity allowed society to function in an semblance of the brotherhood of populace. In the spirit of national fraternity all women and men, the senescent and the childlike, the infirm and the healthy, the comfortable and the flat broke, share a spark of humanity that must be serviceable on a level big that of the law.
Political scientists and authors have produced volumes of material warning the public about the stripping of freedoms methodically being carried out by those who control the puppet government of America. Not much has been done to prevent the abuses of skill, maybe seeing average Americans have specialized and bordered educations aimed at careers more than general education of political philosophies or the history of other cultures, as is the norm in schools in countries of the British Rule. In the case of in need areas in the U. S. there is only rudimentary education. The tribe are also exceptionally steady and rest assured that it ' s their country, right or miscalculated. This falls in line with the first defining trait of fascism: powerful and permanent nationalism.
Maintaining this fierce nationalism involves parading, constant use of come through slogans, code, songs, and other stuff. They have two national anthems, The Star Spangled Banderol and Divine being Bless America, which are emoted at roll at events that involve a lot of uniforms. Making clothes out of the American flag is common among conservatives these days, yet in the 1960s anti - war activist Abbie Hoffman was arrested for wearing allied a shirt ( at that time making apparel out of a flag was illegal and considered disrespectful but are now trailer park chic ). Flags are seen all-over – on stadium, shops, and garments. The current puppet - president Obama was even criticized for not stressful a Stars and Stripes lapel pin!
The Presidency has become a verisimilitude show, with 24 - hour news coverage full of diversion - aimed at an congregation hungry for entertainment and gossip. Just approximative in the prophetic 1976 movie " Network " where Howard Beale berated the beholding talk, requiem " You maniacs! The drainpipe isn ' t reality…we ' re the erratum! We ' re in the boredom killing business! " The plot leads up to Howard ' s confrontation with an executive of the Corporatists who reads him the riot act about who ' s in charge of the media and lets him know what he ' s motion to claim on the air, which turns out to be pretty boring so the network humankind have him assassinated on live T. V. which leads up to the movie ' s punch line from the movie ' s relater: " And so Howard Beale became the first network personality to be killed for having bad ratings… "
The second defining trait of fascism is the stripping away of human rights. They do this by creating a consternation of outside enemies and the need for security; the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases thanks to of " need. " The people would quite surveillance the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, invasions, etc. In the U. S. this has come to pass in the framework of the Chauvinist Act and the Homeland Security Act.
The next stage is identifying those enemies ( oftentimes scapegoats, since there may be no real threats or enemies ) and whipping up the population into a true frenzy. When the terror attacks of the U. S. Nautical quarters, the Oklahoma bombing, and the first WTC bombing didn ' t produce enough drudging folk to galvanize the nation into hating " foreign " terrorists, the secret government of Wall Journey bankers and oil barons ( represented by Dick Cheney as overseer ) set up the demolition of the three main towers on 9 / 11 so that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would have public support. The plane assigned to hit Building 7 didn ' t distance its target so the building was exploded anyway for discomposure that the demolition termite bombs planted inside would be discovered. People didn ' t want to affirm the palpable: the man in charge of the Clear Crash pad, Dick Cheney organized the irruption to protect his future oil interests, and those of the Bush family, Rumsfeld, and Rice – while marching to the beat of the Trilateral Commission members comparable David Rockefeller, George H. W. Heap, and Dr. Henry Kissinger ( who was given the Nobel Calm Prize in antagonism of the less - than - wary carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia he carried out as advisor to Nixon ). For those who envision the U. S. secret government wouldn ' t ho hum its own military bases, consider these quotes from Kissinger:
" Soldiers are dumb, unthinking animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. "
" The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. "
" Competency is the ultimate aphrodisiac. "
Supremacy of the military is the next trait of fascism and this needs little explanation, since those with vast amounts of money and military forces can control the people. Admiration of a master becomes infectious when peppered with constant and effective tip-off and the bodies doctor to rally around one individual. Fascist Italy, Spain, and Germany were all military dictatorships. Soldiers and military service are glamorized and considered honorable. The American military has an unlimited budget and it maintains bases in 120 countries, while domestic problems are ignored and the people don ' t have jobs or adequate health care. The riffraff remain come through and willingly send their children off to be killed or maimed in return for a piece of bronze on a ribbon.
In most fascist states there is rampant sexism to preserve the manlike - dominated example for further control by the state. Abortion, divorce, and homosexuality are suppressed. This has evolved to allow female proof in the modern U. S. mainly seeing the Rockefellers realized that they weren ' t taxing half of the population so the Rockefeller Foundation designed and supported the feminism movement of the Sixties to get " Rosie the Riveter " back to work even in peacetime. The ability best always have multiple objectives when exploiting society…allowing women back to the workplace not only produces more taxpayers but gives more hours per day for women to be out of touch with their children. The children adopt concepts provided by schools and are subject to the wider influence of television, a backing controlled by the corporatists.
Totalitarian control of people is partially achieved via counsel delivered through mass - media controlled immediately or indirectly by government regulation through financial ties with media executives. Major networks employ anchormen who are told what not to estimate, whether through intimidation or retaliated self - diversion. Undifferentiated in the McCarthy witch - hunts of the Fifties, those who go against the powers that be are fired from their media jobs or worse. The truth that giant stories conforming the Caspian pipeline and the American government ' s revolting crime against their own people on 9 / 11 never comes up in the mainstream news ( or scandal news for that matter ) suggests that intimidation is rampant and taken seriously by collaborators posing as liberal journalists.
Two seemingly - discerning recognition political reporters come to mind: Chris Matthews of MSNBC ' s Hardball segment is a frequent guest on Bill Maher ' s recognition show. If you remember Bill Maher, he is the stand - up prankster who laughs nervously at the end of each pun to cue the convocation that this is the point where they should snigger, just in case they weren ' t paying attention. Both of them state publicly that they take it the 9 / 11 Commission Report was correct and that the Trade Center buildings exploded into dust neatly out of frustration. They ignore all scientific evidence proving beyond a not tell of a doubt that demolition explosives were used, and that no skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire. Extensive research has been carried out and conclusions have been published by an organization of fairly conservative professionals on their site Architects and Engineers for 9 / 11 Truth where many of them who are voting Republicans expressed care in the fact that the government has covered up the crime and betrayed fundamental theory. Bill Maher calls anyone who believes that a planned demolition took field " an dork " and Chris Matthews agrees with him. Maher and Matthews call themselves " typical Irish Americans " and engage in humorous banter, discuss the never - ending ( and boring ) health reform question, and hold themselves as bearers of the Truth. It smacks of coercion and intimidation, whether from compromised employers or government spooks who are in a position to guarantee destruction beyond simple career interruption or set assassination. Bill Maher has been trying to keep a low profile concerning his savoir-faire for suspicion of discrimination; he is half - Jewish and living in a low - key homosexual relationship. However, due to the silence of so many people who must know something of the 9 / 11 operation and won ' t come forward it can be assumed that present threats are part of the equation. When an agent of the government assures a person that he and his family will disappear, a secret can be maintained for enough years for the perpetrators to be rainless of prosecution.
The seventh trait of fascism is obsession with national security. Tremor is used as a tool to control the community. The 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers blew up on live T. V. and the nation became so paralyzed with unease that they would confess any law to be passed that would protect them from the bearded terrorist in the pothole on the other side of the world. The Wilderness administration rushed to remove all rights unbefitting the U. S. Constitution, which he referred to as " just a goddamn piece of paper ".
The use of religion to control people is supplementary basic tool of fascist states. The most prevalent national religion is intertwined with politics to wield the population. Religious discourse is spouted from political leaders, even when the words don ' t match the actions. America is fervently Evangelical Christian, a rabidly fundamentalist bible - extraordinary population; George Disarray says Almighty speaks through him, and casual has a good giggle in private since he cares more about beer, cocaine, and barbeques than any religious ideas. Everyone remembers the eight long years of the self - centered waggling of Wilds sharing his thoughts about himself and reflecting on things about him.
The ninth trait of fascism is the business / government relationship and the protection of corporate effectiveness. The industrial powers and business aristocracy are the ones who put the government leaders in potential and so the state and big business are one and the alike. The inauguration of the word " fascist " comes from the Latin word " fasces " which means " bunch of sticks " and symbolized efficacy through unity. A stabilize even break when it is respective, but the Egyptians point groups of sticks together with full swing to make parts for some of their hostility weapons. The sticks became famously strong when authoritative in a leaflet batch.
In a fascist state labor endowment is suppressed considering the format effectiveness of labor is the only real challenge to the regime. For this instigation, labor unions are suppressed or eliminated. In the case of the U. S. they have been historically corrupted or infiltrated by mobsters. During Reagan ' s presidency the Air Traffic Controllers ' Agreement went on a nationwide intervention and the strikers were smartly concerned. The public didn ' t squawk considering their vacation plans were more important than curtailing bully of bent. The North American Harmony so gone from the news includes plans for a superhighway from Texas to Canada right through the center of the continent so that ships from Asia can dock in Mexico in non - solidarity ports, thereby destroying the Longshoreman ' s Harmony. The trucks loading the goods would have non - solidarity drivers. The AFL - CIO would be worn-down - down by carefully - manufactured recessions and unemployment will end this possible source of resistance and the end merriment will be a government - manufactured worldwide depression so everyone will be too busy trying to get through each day to act against a lawless government. This most likely is imminent for the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 when the U. S. first gave up control of the national money supply to rich bankers and industrialists. It seems that efficacy is a tender pastime to them considering they are carrying on generations - aged family traditions, a real stuff Cosa Nostra of finance.
In fascist dictatorships there is also a concerted product to suppress intellectuals, academics, and professors but the U. S. has aware well from the Nazis, who failed to hold onto some very valued scientists cognate Einstein, who troglodytic Germany when the Jews began to be persecuted. They know that the education system has to be undermined from the bottom up: modern people who have been through the American education system know nearly annihilation about other countries, and bully little about their own country. Yale, Harvard, and Princeton will at peace come about for the elite, but the general population can barely speak English.
All - powerful states become habituated with crime and albatross – of other people of progress; police agencies are disposed almost massive powers to enforce laws. Again the well - known colossal bureaus agnate the CIA, FBI, IRS, DEA and ATF, there are approximately 18, 760 contrasting police agencies in the U. S. and now they have numerous the Department of Homeland Security – to " Preserve our freedoms ". In Bushspeak, this means touchstone of freedoms. To get to the truth behind the dirt spouted by the Fair Shanty, plainly count on the opposite of what they verbalize. Even as the towers were destroyed, Wilderness was on the airwaves proclaiming " Steps have been taken to protect the American people ". This was right out of Orwell ' s 1984, where the mollifying tongue of Big Brother assured the people that all was well and that the outside dissenter was being dealt with.
The new PR man sitting on the Gray Residence field, Barack Obama ( a lawyer from the most hideous political area in the U. S. – Chicago ), has been installed as the new fitter face of totalitarianism. He was hailed as the squeaky - clean savior that would fix the nation ' s misery, but instead has confirmed the concept that it doesn ' t matter if Democrats or Republicans are in potential – the 13th trait of fascism comes into play: rampant corruption and cronyism. Groups of business associates and friends appoint each other to key positions and use public potentiality and authority to protect each other from sorrow. They are larger the law, and in most fascist states they plunder resources and national wealth, shown in the sevenfold increase in futures trading on the Chicago Stock Exchange just before the 9 / 11 closure of the New York stock market. Inside letters made fortunes for those betting that airline stocks would leapfrogging. This was one of the many objectives successfully accomplished by the 9 / 11 miracle. More recently, the Federal Reserve has wittily been taking the money and sending it to Central Banks in Europe. One slush finances totaled 2. 2 trillion dollars and when the Fed chairman was questioned by Congressman Alan Grayson as to which banks the money got the money, he refused to answer, first saying he couldn ' t remind one name uninterested.
The where exists where people congenerous Dick Cheney can commit the most horrendous fighting crimes, engage in high treason, produce the torture and killing of uncelebrated numbers of people and still be upper prosecution. He oral he didn ' t recall 71 times when being questioned by the FBI about the Valerie Plane affair where Cheney revealed that cupcake was a CIA agent. He got Scooter Libby to take the fall and Libby ' s sentence was commuted by the Gray Setup. Cheney was never upset or placed below bond in front of a Grand Jury, just as he and Forest were not placed below oath by the 9 / 11 Commission. Cheney wouldn ' t let Hodgepodge be separated and they spoke with the Commission in private only. They had to keep their stories straight being Inferior would never last below questioning and his vice - president knew it. Tangle was sizzling it out, telling the press outside “I’ve got zip to hide! ” when they asked why they wouldn’t go below promise and testify separately.
Elections in fascist states are rigged – the U. S. included. Lie, smear campaigns, and distraction are common tools to sway public feeling. Corruption in the voting system has been long - entrenched in American politics. In the days of Joe Kennedy, he wittily had the Mafia help JFK to get elected, since a Catholic would frequent lose if some assailing wasn ' t carried out. Of course, the fraud in Florida that got Disarray elected is well - known. A coup was required when John Kennedy decided to become a man of the people, disband the CIA, and pull out of Vietnam at a time when the Military - Industrial Composite needed the strike to stimulate the steel and arms industries. The assassination became imperative to let the politicians know who was boss. Lyndon Johnson was heard on Air Force 1 saying " it ' s a plot, they ' re flurry to get us all " …immediately after the coffin was loaded onto the plane. That recite never came to the surface until November 2009 in a book containing declassified information.
One more iterate from Henry Kissinger is particularly descriptive of the way scare will remain to be used until the people will beg for a police state, just as laid out in the plan for the New World Order. Ear that he verbal this in the duplicate year as the first World Trade Center bombing:
" Today, America would be outraged if UN militia entered Los Angles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be appreciative! This would especially be true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will clear to deliver them from this malevolent. The one thing that man fears is the mysterious. When presented with scheme, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well - being good enough to them by a World Government. " – Henry Kissinger, 1991

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