Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Make " health " Your Number One Priority

Make " health " Your Number One Priority

I’ll tell you why. We are focusing on the faulty purpose. For whatever basis, we must not perceive our weight loss as being " important enough " to achieve. So what would be " important enough " to stick to our new healthy eating habits? Your HEALTH! Obliteration in this world is more important than the state of your health. Fancy about it, your health affects everything increased in your life. Once our health is compromised we automatically pocket money our lifestyle habits. Just cast at President Clinton. Not until he had the ultimate health scare did he really quarters his eating and exercise habits. Let’s not wait until our humanity completely have a tear down before we decide to take care of ourselves. If you caress cruel, everything you do that day is heinous. Also, if you caress great, everything you do that day is great. So this year, let’s not focus on just losing a few pounds, let’s focus on Health, the #1 thing in our lives.
So ask yourself, " How important is my health to me? How do I want to live the rest of my life? Sick and feeling ghastly or healthy and feeling active? Do I want to play golf and tennis in my retirement or do I want to spend it in the hospital? " The answer to these questions will at last ordinance your weight and your health for the future. Any lifestyle habit that affects your health in a positive way will automatically effect you to lose weight or maintain a good healthy weight.
Follow this checklist towards health and you will see weight come off automatically.
1. Make the time to focus on health.
The number one basis people do not eat healthy or exercise is through they " don’t have the time ". But why is it that once we get sick, have a heart rush, are diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes or cancer, we all of a headlong have the time? This doesn’t make any sense. We wait until our persons have become so ill to yet take measures towards taking care of it. This is the equivalent to never getting an oil quarters or servicing your car and letting it completely gash down before doing commodity about it. Charge your day. What could feasibly be more important than your health? Your children, undoubtedly, I okay. But guess what? If something happens to you, who will be there for your children? I know that sounds unwelcome but it’s true. How many times have we heard stories of little children losing parents to heart attacks and repute? Choose health not only for yourself but for your children as well. Emphasize your day so that making healthy meal choices and exercising are right at the top.
2. Take a long tough glom at what you are putting into your body.
For one week, scrutinize every ingredient of every food you eat. This could potentially be a abominable experience. Some ingredient labels on packaged foods sound more agnate a college assembling class than materiality we should be eating. As a golden rule, if you can’t pronounce it, chances are you shouldn’t be eating it. The majority of the foods you should be eating shouldn’t even have an ingredients marker. They should be vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, chicken, fish, eggs, meat. If you make 90 % of your diet, fresh food, I guarantee you will significantly silver your weight and your health. No time to make fresh food? ( please touch back to #1 ). Cook more than one portion at a time when you do cook so that there are always healthy leftovers in the fridge. You can always have for lunch leftovers from the nighttide before. Cook several portions of one meal and freeze some. A good example of this is healthy soup or turkey chili. Put a portion of chili in a small Tupperware and freeze. You can grab this when in a revive for lunch or dinner.
3. How much are you eating?
In the United States, our perception of one portion is radically distorted. Restaurant portions are about 3 times more than what we should be eating in one sitting. If we become accustomed to seeing this much food on our plate at a restaurant we cherish to do the equivalent when we are at home and serve ourselves. According to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, women are eating 300 more calories a day and men 168 more calories than 20 years ago. All it takes is 100 extra calories a day to gain 10 pounds a year.
For one week, reduce your portions at lunch and dinner by half. There is no need to " clean your plate ". Most times what’s on your plate is double what you should be eating anyway. If you fondle some hunger in the afternoon, add one small apple with a handful of raw nuts as a snack. Your body will quickly become accustomed to the smaller portions and you will eventually not be able to eat as much in one sitting as you did before. Remind, you have access to an abundance of food every day. You don’t need to eat it all at once.
3. Drink WATER!
Dehydration has this day been linked to several forms of diseases including colon cancer, high blood vexation, and sky-high cholesterol levels. Many people also oversight lasciviousness for solicitude. So it may not be that you’re hungry all day, you may just be dying to and dehydrated. In pertinent time, dehydration will cause a gradual gain in weight from overeating as a direct consummation of slip of motive and admiration sensations.
Take a swivel at what you are drinking each day.
Coffee or Soda ( Diet Coke included )? The caffeine in both will dehydrate you even more and will produce you to fondle hungrier during the day.
Diet drinks and sodas? The counterfeit sweetener actually enhances your appetite and increases food intake.
Orange Juice and other Fruit Juices? The sugar and calories can add up to 10 teaspoons of sugar per drink, which can be anywhere from 150 - 200 calories. Not to mention the reality that sugar eventually makes you crave more sugar.
Every person should be drinking half of their body weight in ounces of water each day. So if you discept 150 lbs, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water each day. If you drink coffee or any other caffeinated beverage during the day, the ounces of water needed increases.
4. How much do you maneuver each day?
Your body was designed to deed! Your heart is a muscle and must be worked just like every other muscle in your body. You don’t have to mate a gym to alteration, you just have to challenge your body and your muscles each and every day.
The two best time saving exercise options I always suggest to clients are:
1. Go for a tread. You can go for a promenade anywhere and anytime. No time you announce? Please refer back to rule #1.
2. Set up your home with some free weights and an exercise ball. You will be ruffled at the number of exercises you can do with just your body, some free weights and a stability ball. If you don’t know how, hire a trainer to show you or get a good book. Get into the routine of scheduling your exercise time each and every day. No ifs, ands or buts. Make your exercise time more important than phone calls, laundry, errands or lunch dates.
Make a promise to yourself that this time will be about health, not about short term weight loss. Really evaluate how you are treating your body on an everyday basis. Is that the twin way you would treat a highly relevant, esteemed piece of equipment? Since that’s what your body is. There is no amount of money in the world that will buy you extra one, so you might as well take really good care of the one you got!

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