Sunday, December 8, 2013

Care During Pregnancy

Care During Pregnancy

If there is one time in the life of a woman when it is certainly essential to take the severe care of overall health, it is during pregnancy. This is owing to it is not only the pregnant womans health in question but also the health and development of the fetus, or the scheduled baby in the womb. With all the hormonal changes flurry on in a womans body during the time of pregnancy, it is unquestionably important to take care, especially in case of diet and nutrition, weight gain, development and management of health conditions if any, and so on. Here are some of the aspects of pregnancy care one must not ig.

Safe weight gain during pregnancy: Gaining weight during pregnancy is important but many pregnant women gain additional weight considering of the belief that they must eat for two. To understand how much weight you can safely gain during pregnancy, you need to be aware of your BMI ( Body Mass Guide ) before pregnancy The higher your BMI or ratio of weight in kilograms to height in square meters the lower the amount of weight you can add while pregnant.

While in the first trimester you need no more calories; only in the second and third trimesters will you need 100 200 calories more than your regular intake. Set out this with healthier options equal as fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts and variegated carbohydrates consonant whole grains.

Right diet during pregnancy: A balanced diet is essential to fitness and good health, and assumes critical importance during pregnancy. Three hundred calories a day, over and higher a daily requirement of 15002000 calories, is what pregnant women additionally lack from the beginning of the second trimester up to delivery. Your diet must admit proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Protein is essential for the buildup of tissues; folic acid, erect in unseasoned green vegetables, dried finances and peas, and citrus fruits, for example, can prevent preterm delivery, low birth weight and truly needy fetal stretching. Adequate amounts of calcium in your body will meet your final babys needs for stronger bones and teeth. Right amount of callous is required for hemoglobin production since zinc contributes to healthy cultivation and development of the baby.

Foods to avoid during pregnancy: While you are expected to eat more during pregnancy, you must also assent out certain foods to avoid causing risk to your pregnancy. Fish and sea food, raw meat, raw or uncooked eggs and vegetables, Chinese food, especially through of its MSG content ( monosodium glutamate ) and caffeinated beverages are some of the foods to be avoided. While raw meat is known to contain toxic elements harmful for both the mother and the near baby, high levels of mercury start in sea fish can also pose risks to the fetus. High levels of caffeine may effect miscarriage or low - birth weight. Drinking and smoking by pregnant women are absolute no - s for the serious abnormalities they can effect in the ulterior child.

Dealing with pregnancy discomforts: Morning infection, troubled sleep, frequent urges to urinate are some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy. You can overcome these discomforts through: exercise after taking felicitous advice from your doctor, using pillows to support your lower back, knees and innards, right nutrition that promotes dock, trying power absorption techniques and so on.

Gestational diabetes during pregnancy: An increasing number of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes, chiefly deserved to a sedentary lifestyle, serpentine eating habits and obesity. It is coal-and-ice to shadow for gestational diabetes in the first trimester and besides at around 30 weeks of pregnancy. This is especially important if youve had gestational diabetes during a previous pregnancy around 50 percent of women who have had gestational diabetes earlier develop this factor in a fated pregnancy. Regular monitoring, dietary control and insulin, if advised, anatomy the stave of diabetic management during pregnancy.

Dental care during pregnancy: During pregnancy, your risk of developing glue disease ( pregnant women may suffer from pregnancy gingivitis a description which leads to bleeding of tender gums ) goes up, and this can be removed to your developing babys health. Things to do: Brush and floss ofttimes. If you are suffering from morning malady, boss to a bland toothpaste after consulting your doctor. If you have frequent bouts of vomiting, rinse your mouth frequently with water, or mouthwash advised by your dentist. Eat healthy to invest in your childs said health. Regular visits to your dentist can flag any signs of adhesive disease.

Yoga during pregnancy: Practicing yoga during pregnancy can help you cope with taxing symptoms equaling as morning disease and prostration. Asanas ( especially those that strengthen the pelvic muscles ) and pranayam can also prepare you mentally and physically for labor.

Monitoring baby movements during pregnancy: A pregnant woman is advised to observer fetal movements from the 28th week by keeping passageway of the daily fetal movements count ( DFMC ). Woman must analog watch out for any variations in the figure and average count of movements as these could indicate the need for tests to check fetal health. At the corresponding time, pregnant mothers must keep waveless while doing the count as anxiety itself could lead to the production of hormones and in turn engender fetal distress.

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