Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Tyranny Of Urgency Addiction

The Tyranny Of Urgency Addiction

" Contrivance less than a conscious wish to the important is an unconscious must to the unimportant. "
Stephen Covey
Author: First Things First
Any of the following sound recognized?
" I want to spend quality time with you, but I have to work. I have this terminal and it needs to get done. I know that you savvy the setting. "
" I can’t seem to find the time to exercise. I know it’s important, but after 10 hour days I smartly don’t have the energy for it. Possibly when it gets slower. "
Today’s society has progressed to the point where in some work environments unless you operate with urgency addiction you are negatively judged. You are seen as a slacker not enthusiastic to pay the price for success and not committed to the originate. However it can also be a way that we feel exhilarated and useful. If it gets strong enough we get accustomed to the perpetual motion and being busy becomes the ambition.
In detail, being urgently busy has become a position symbol. For some strange basis we have consciously or unconsciously linked busyness with importance. If you are not busy how could you maybe be important? Most assuredly I am an delinquent equaling many of you declaiming this article of being in perpetual motion and ALWAYS being busy - - with many brewing deadlines.
So what do we do about? Well first let’s ground if you really have an urgency addiction challenge or not. If you do not have an urgency point and regularly focus on the important things, than odds are that you know someone who has some level of urgency addiction so this information can serve them.
The following questions are not meant to be a scientific survey but are intended to give you an idea if you are letting urgency addiction run your life. Answer these questions on a continuum from 1 to 10 where 1 is Strongly Disagree to 10 is Strongly Admit.
__ _1. I touch restless when I’m not at work or disconnected from the office.
___ 2. I only do my best work when I am below pressure.
___ 3. When I am working on one project I am often engrossed about innumerable.
___ 4. I give up quality time with important individuals to handle something urgent.
___ 5. I rarely take a tear and often work through lunch.
___ 6. I observe liable when I am taking time off or relaxing.
___ 7. I am always on a time crunch, rushing from one urgency to extra.
___ 8. The adrenaline rush from a new urgent circumstance is more satisfying than the steady accomplishment of longer term results.
Obviously the higher the score the more you have an urgency mind - set or useable frame - work. If your total score is less than 40 you have a low urgency mind - set, 41 - 60 strong urgency mind - set, 61 + the alternative of urgency addiction exists for you.
In real life it is impossible to have everything be in the civil, peaceful and important category. However the point to this process is for us each to be aware of where do we primarily operate from. Do we only thrive and operate from tide to episode or do we have a rate mean business life based on what’s important. The difference is if we are always and constantly putting out fires it’s pretty difficult to machine any fire prevention techniques or strategies.
For some individuals being intense is their natural proclivity but we need to make the distinction between preference and have too. Addiction infers an mighty behavior or way of show - - that is infrequently if ever healthy. So the issue is, are your controlling your life or is your life controlling you? In the end our life is our can and a echoing of our own thoughts, actions and behaviors.
So how do we shift from the urgent, to the important? The challenge that we face with most important items which are non - urgent - is just that they are not urgent. They are activated with your input not the other way around where urgent items are demanding your attention now!
If you ever presume that basically you will be able to do what you really want to do, this is a hint of a required shift for you. Personally, I admit to having too much urgency included in my lifestyle and work but I also have an objective and plan that I am working towards that will reduce this property.
First are you light fair about what is important in your life? And out of this list of important items in your life - what is not getting enough attention? Where are urgency items consistently taking way from the important in your life?
One simple example is email and spam. We become obsessed to responding immediately to everything versus planning out and selecting our responses. I recently likewise a spam filter to my email saving me at ahead 15 fish wrapper a day cleaning up this stuff. I also setup a time to respond to email somewhat than every 5 periodical being interrupted by and apparent urgency.
I just ask you to take civility from your responses to the mini survey where you are with this latent addiction. Then step by step work your way through focusing more on the important and less on the urgent.
Decreasing the Tyranny of the Urgent
1. Acknowledge that a life built solely on the adrenaline rush of urgency is not healthy.
2. Respond to the survey questions in this article to entrench your budding level of urgency addiction.
3. Based on your responses to the questions impel how the tyranny of the urgent is affecting your life and decisions?
4. In your mind or on a piece of paper place a list of the things, peoples and items that are most important to you.
5. Now compare your important list mentally or visually to your actions and behaviors. Do they match up? If not why not?
6. Take sway and can for your nature. Even if you have an urgency based job alike a firefighter this increases the need that your issues of importance are included and planned for off line.
7. Be brutally honest about the urgent items you can disguise, avoid or remove.
8. Give yourself permission to have a time of transition. Don’t caress contract or have urgency about reducing your urgency addiction!
9. In the end, it’s your assumption and tranquillity of mind that matters. No one can, on your welfare, can tell you the best, balance for you.
10. Considerable all be honest about your setting there is no personal benefit from misleading yourself.
Until next time, keep " Living On Purpose. "

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