Solis Health And Wellness: Excellence In Turkey
Gone are the days when medical travel was limited to certain areas of the globe. In the first decade of the 21st century, medical travel, also known as medical tourism, health and wellness travel or international medical care, is the leading trend in medical and health options for consumers. Turkey has become a officer in providing the best and health and wellness tourism in recent years.
Not so surprisingly, Turkey has spare the number of Joint Commission International ( JCI ) accredited healthcare facilities in the world, and is a number one in high - tech, state - of - the - art and competitive health care treatments, procedures and therapies. Solis Health and Wellness offers options for some of the best elegant surgery in Turkey, and a variety of treatments including:
• Skin care - CO2 Fractional Laser
• Lasik eye surgery –intralase / wavefront
• Hair restoration - both female and male
• Cosmetic procedures - rhinoplasty, breast augmentation
As a member of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, Solis Health and Wellness is creaming to to providing the best in care and services to world travelers. " Solis team with internationally celebrated hospitals with Joint Commission International warrant, and offers the best treatments at the best prices in Turkey, " says managing director Asli Tolon. " We focus on excellent customer service, making direct that each of our patients has a prime, effective and positive outcome in their healthcare experiences. "
Customized medical tourism to Turkey, facilitating open communication between guests and health care staff and offering advice regarding free travel planning, duration and continual travel services for a medical vacation are the focus of customer service teams at Solis.
" From assistance with visa and travel documents, airport support snap and departures, travel bookings, transferring of medical records, and perception assistance, Solis Health and Wellness ensures that every patient is prone Tycoon treatment throughout the care process, " says Pramod Goel, CEO and Founder of PlacidWay, an international medical provider, of Solis. " We are upbeat to amigo with Solis Health and Wellness in Turkey, providing leading technologies and facilities in overall health and wellness care options for international travelers. "
Traveling To Turkey For Healthcare
Turkey is literally voiced the bridge between Asia and Europe, bonus an prototype and constant destination for medical travelers from th Edinburg to Shanghai. As a gopher destination, Turkey is a blend of a variety of cultures, ancient and exquisite diagram and cuisine that blends European ginger with Asian and Russian tradition.
Turkey offers excellent and certified care in a variety of health fields, with physicians and surgeons trained throughout Europe and the United States, capable of state - of - the - art and new technologies, treatments and procedures.
" Medical care facilities comparable as Solis Health and Wellness are factor to fill gaps in affordability, accessibility, and availability when it comes to health care for individuals around the world, " says Goel. " The face of medical care and options has changed for of Internet communication and capabilities, and facilities congeneric as Solis Health and Wellness lengthen to offer options and solutions to community around the globe that are not being met in their home countries. "
Thanks for sharing good contents. Looking forward for more updates from your health and wellness blog.